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Rajnath Singh to inaugurate ‘Bharat Drone Shakti-2023’, formally induct C-295 transport aircraft into IAF

Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will also formally induct the C-295 transport aircraft into the Indian Air Force.

Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh is set to inaugurate the “Bharat Drone Shakti-2023” exhibition at the Hindan Air Base in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad on Monday (September 25). In addition, the Defence Minister will also formally induct the C-295 transport aircraft into the Indian Air Force.

During the induction ceremony, top military officials including Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari will be present. Notably, the IAF is working with the Drone Federation of India to jointly host the Bharat Drone Shakti 2023 in recognition of the potential of domestic drone design and development.

Use of drones in India
This event, slated for September 25 and 26, will take place at the IAF’s Hindan airbase in Ghaziabad and will feature live aerial demonstrations. In India, the use of drones for both military and non-military purposes is growing. According to an official press release, drone technology has quickly changed both the civil and defence sectors by increasing efficiency, lowering risk exposure, and raising capabilities.

As per the press release, the IAF started the Meher Baba Swarm Drone competition to capitalize on India’s expanding drone technology industry and demonstrate its faith in the country’s drone capabilities. With the help of the Bharat Drone Shakti 2023, the IAF is prepared to use this expertise even more. With an extraordinary schedule of more than 50 live airborne displays, “Drone-shakti” – Bharat Drone Shakti 2023″ seeks to highlight the entire potential of the Indian drone industry.

Drone start-ups to participate in event
These demonstrations will encompass a diverse range of drone applications, including survey drones, agriculture drones, fire suppression drones, tactical surveillance drones, heavy-lift logistics drones, loitering munition systems, drone swarms, and counter-drone solutions, said the release. The event will also witness the active participation of more than 75 drone start-ups and corporate entities.

Bharat Drone Shakti 2023
Anticipated to draw approximately 5,000 attendees, ‘Bharat Drone Shakti 2023’ will serve as a convergence point for a wide spectrum of stakeholders. Representatives from central government agencies, state departments, public and private industries, armed forces, paramilitary forces, friendly foreign countries, academic institutions, students, and drone enthusiasts are expected to grace the event, said the release. This collaboration between the Indian Air Force and the Drone Federation of India underscores the commitment to advancing drone technology and its applications in India.

The event promises to showcase the capabilities of Indian drones and provide a platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and collaboration among industry leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts. It should be mentioned here that the ‘Bharat Drone Shakti 2023’ marks a step towards realizing the full potential of this game-changing technology for the benefit of the country.

News Sources – India Tv News

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