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G20 Summit 2023: Delhi Police Commissioner seeks early metro service to help security personnel on duty

G20 Summit 2023: World leaders will arrive in New Delhi to attend the G20 Summit. The summit will be hosted at the state-of-the-art Bharat Mandapam Convention Centre at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

G20 Summit 2023 in Delhi: Delhi Police Commissioner, Sanjay Arora, has written a letter to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Managing Director, Vikas Kumar, requesting him to start Metro services in the national capital from 4:00 am on September 8, 9 and 10 as it will help in the commute of police personnel involved in security arrangements during the G20 Summit 2023.

“In view of the traffic restrictions in the venue-affected areas, primarily NDMC and South West District areas being put in place, the police and other support staff will be greatly facilitated if the Metro Services on 08th, 09th and 10th can begin from about 0400 hrs. this will enable hassle-free travel of staff and timely reporting at the two prime venues i.e. IECC/ITPO and Rajghat,” the letter read.

“Since the arrangements at the Summit Venue i.e., IECC, ITPO and Rajghat shall begin from early morning hours, the reporting time for staff for these venues has been kept from 0500 hours onwards,” the Commissioner of Police reasoned in his letter.

Arora further said that owing to the G20 summit in the national capital, the Delhi Police, in coordination with various stakeholders, has laid down elaborate security, law and order and traffic arrangements involving about 40,000 personnel in all, which will come into full-scale deployment from September 7 (Thursday) onwards.

“May I request you to kindly consider the request from Delhi Police and make necessary arrangements accordingly, as a welfare measure for staff of Delhi Police and other assisting agencies, for the duration,” the Commissioner wrote.

Arora also mentioned that Special Commissioner of Police (Transport Division) Nuzhat Hassan will be available for any clarification and detailing for operationalising this request. India is all set to host the G20 Summit in New Delhi from September 9-10.

World leaders will arrive in New Delhi to attend the G20 Summit. The summit will be hosted at the state-of-the-art Bharat Mandapam Convention Centre at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

Notably, India assumed the G20 presidency on December 1, 2022 and about 200 meetings related to G20 were organised in 60 cities across the country.

News Sources – India Tv News

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